
contact us

contact us


Our mailing address is:

Department of Experimental Psychology
University of Oxford

New Radcliffe House, 1st Floor
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Oxford OX2 6GG
United Kingdom

(visitors enter through Walton Street entrance)

Contact us via:

email:   oxacclab@gmail.com / nicholas.yeung@psy.ox.ac.uk
phone:  +44 (0)1865 271 389


Want to participate in our research?


Looking to join our lab?

The ACClab is actively recruiting new graduate students and postdocs.

Graduate studentships are available through competitive applications within the Dept of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford, Oxford colleges, and from UK and overseas funding bodies (including the BBSRCMRC, and Wellcome Trust). Please contact us if you are interested in discussing a studentship application. Please also visit the following websites for more information:

Potential applicants please contact Nick Yeung in the first instance.


Interested in hearing more about our research?